EXIF Tooling - Results

So, does it work? Yes!

There is a very simple python program

After throwing away 2 or 3 prototypes, I have a python program that does the original analysis I intended.

As with most software, the more I have the more I want and so there's now a list of 'features' that I have to look at in the future.

The user doesn't need to know the commands..

There is a simple GUI to be able to load the CSV Data files and select and generate the graphs.

The user can pick between the supported Attributes and generate the results

Not every attribute makes a good comparison to another, so there is a learning curve in knowing what data to draw.

The program shows where 1 or 2 variables are applicable for the graph type.

A custom field editor is available

There's a custom field editor available so that the user can customise the data and format that they want to be extracted in the future.

Examples (click images)

Heatmap Example

A comparison of Len Model versus Camera Model

Bar Chart Example (s)

Which Exposure Modes and Camera Models did I use for which sessions?

Time Based Example

Which program modes did I use during specific time periods

The time period is scrollable , and each of the categories can be disabled on the graph to drill into the details.

Further Work: -

  • At the moment , the EXIFTOOL stage of the process is still done outside of this program- I would like to wrap that into the program so the user just needs to provide the directory of the images.

  • The GUI is very amateurish and clunky and would benefit from a total revision !

  • There are some bugs - of course! I have a list ..

Let me know in the contact form above if you'd like further information on any part of this - I'm happy to help.

Thanks !